This is the home for Telecaster
lovers. We're here to celebrate every aspect of the world's first
commercially successful solid body electric guitar. Whether you have an
original Fender or simply a "Telecaster style" guitar you should find
something to entertain or inform you here.
On the site you'll find some unofficial Telecaster history, trivia and
guides to the anatomy, set up or upgrade your Tele. We have been
working with guitars for over thirty years and have picked up a thing
or two on the way which we're happy to pass on to you.
Since the design first went into production in 1950, it has undergone a
number of changes but retained its essential character. There are a
wide range of Telecaster models available - both original Fenders and
copies, replicas or clones. How they shape up depends on the materials
used to make them and the skill of the luthier or factory that
assembled them, but the basic design is so sound that it's hard to ruin
a Telecaster.
Oh, and if you happen to be on the look out for a superior Tele
clone.....please take a look at ours.
Inspired by all the best features of the original 1950's Telecaster and
manufactured to our unique specification, we think we've made something
rather special, something that captures the true essence of a
Telecaster......we hope you do too.
The Telecaster Culture
They say that if you get the
Telecaster bug, it's with you for life. Strat and Les Paul players find
little difference between those two styles of guitar when playing if
they switch between them. Each offers different sounds, but the feel of
playing them is much the same. Put a Telecaster in the hand of a Strat
or Les Paul player and it will take them a little longer to adapt. If
you grow up with Telecasters, switching to playing another style of
guitar is not usually a problem - though why you'd want to is hard to
imagine! The Telecaster, whilst probably the simplest form of solid
body electric guitar around, demands a little more of it's players, is
a little less forgiving than other types of guitar but ultimately is
more rewarding, perhaps because of it's raw nature.
The enduring image of the Telecaster permeates popular music through
the last half of the twentieth century and on into the twenty first.
Whether it's Muddy Waters red blues original; James Burton playing his
pink paisley Tele behind Elvis; Keith Richards vintage blonde driving
the Stones; Merle Haggard's classic sunbust; Joe Strummer's black and
white punk attitude machine; Johnny Greenwood's moody black guitar or
Jonny Buckland's Thinline, the Telecaster has shaped modern music over
the past fifty years, both sonically and visually.
The Telecaster is a blue collar guitar, a reliable workhorse that will
rarely let you down. If you are lucky enough to have had a Telecaster
as your first guitar, you'll probably never stray from the path of
Whether your style is country, jazz, blues, indie, punk, rock or metal,
a Telecaster cuts it. Why? It's such a simple yet versatile guitar. The
neck pickup will give you rich warm tones to rival any humbucker, while
the bridge pick up gives you that distinctive Tele twang. Mixing the
two pick ups gives you the best of both worlds, a tonal palette broad
enough for most tastes.
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